That's right, no rest. Midterms week is upon us all. 

Although it feels kind of fabulous when you're up all night drawing lingerie figures......

Halloweekend is over, but is it ever too early to start planning for next year?

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I just returned from an amazing trip to Amsterdam! Besides the reputation it has for things that are normally illegal, it is hands down one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. 


& Everything Relates to Fashion

From historical events to scientific discoveries  to pop culture..... everything relates to fashion

My art history professor once argued that she could relate anything and anyone to fashion, as to which one of my classmates replied "How about Amelia Earhart?" .....turns out Amelia Earhart had her own design line at Macy's back in the day. Point Proven.

With all this in mind, I have recently been wondering how androgyny came to be such an influence in the fashion relm nowadays. Menswear is a huge influence on the womenswear looks of today. From high-end to H&M, everyone's doing it.  After learning/researching corsets of the 1800s and 1900s while comparing them today's fashion, I became intensely intrigued about how the corsetted woman of the 1800s has become the free-boobin' lady of the 21st century.

Lucky for me, the Fashion Institute of Technology recently revealed their newest exhibition "A Queer History of Fashion": a tale of how lesbian and gay culture has transformed fashion throughout the ages as well as celebrating the life of all of the gay and lesbian designers (and socialites) of the past and present.

For my Illustration Methods class at University of the Arts, I was given a dream assignment,

"Do Whatever you want"

Just make it communicate something and make it fantastic.

These are things I can work with. After the cut, I'll show you each individual print and my hand lettering process.

3 years deep into a design program in NYC, it's time to take my first bite out of the Big Apple

If you can make it here you can make it anywhere. 

The eccentric costumes of the Harry Potter franchise make it easy to see how important fashion is on the big screen.

Ever love a painting so much that you want to dress like it? too.
So, I adapted these three paintings by Chris Buzelli, Jessie Willcox Smith, and Charlie Immer into outfits you can wear.

Body suits. Body contour. Enhancing a woman's natural features. My latest design project....